Tabla de comandos de Docker

Comandos de docker

Command Description Example
Container Commands
docker create Crear un nuevo contenedor desde una imagen. docker create ubuntu:latest
docker start Iniciar uno o mas contenedores. docker start my-container
docker stop Detener uno o mas contenedores docker stop my-container
docker restart Reiniciar uno o mas contenedores docker restart my-container
docker pause Pausar el proceso dentro del contendor. docker pause my-container
docker unpause Quitar pausa el proceso dentro del contendor. docker unpause my-container
docker rename Cambiar el nombre del container. docker rename my-container new-container-name
docker rm Eliminar uno o mas contenedores. docker rm my-container
docker ps Lista los contenedores docker ps
docker stats Muestra las estadisticas en tiempo real, docker stats my-container
docker top Muestra los procesos de un contenedor docker top my-container
docker logs Muestra los log generados por el contenedor docker logs my-container
Image Commands
docker pull This command is used to pull an image from a Docker registry. docker pull ubuntu:latest
docker build This command is used to build a new Docker image from a Dockerfile. docker build -t my-image.
docker push This command is used to push a Docker image to a Docker registry. docker push my-image
docker tag This command is used to tag a Docker image with a new name or version. docker tag my-image my-image:latest
docker rmi This command is used to remove one or more Docker images. docker rmi my-image
docker images This command is used to list the Docker images available on the host. docker images
docker history This command is used to display the history of a Docker image. docker history my-image
docker save This command is used to save a Docker image to a tar archive. docker save my-image -o my-image.tar
docker load This command is used to load a Docker image from a tar archive. docker load -i my-image.tar
Network Commands
docker network create Crear una nueva red de  Docker docker network create my-network
docker network connect Conectar un contenedor a red de Docker docker network connect my-network my-container
docker network disconnect Desconectar un contenedor a red de.Docker docker network disconnect my-network my-container
docker network ls Muestra las redes del host docker network ls
docker network inspect Muestra la informacion detallada de la red docker network inspect my-network
docker network rm Elimina una red de Docker docker network rm my-network
Volume Commands
docker volume create Crea un nuevo volumen docker volume create my-volume
docker volume ls Muestra los volumenes creados en el host docker volume ls
docker volume inspect Muestra informacion detallada del volumen docker volume inspect my-volume
docker volume rm Elimina un volumen docker volume rm my-volume
docker run -v Monta un volumen a un contenedor docker run -v my-volume:/app/data my-image
docker inspect -f ‘{{ .Mounts }}’ This command is used to display the mount information of a container, including the volume(s) it’s using. docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' my-container
System Commands
docker version Muestra la version de docker docker version
docker info Muestra la informacion de docker docker info
docker events Muestra los eventos en tiempo real docker events
docker system df Muestra el espacio en disco utilizado por docker docker system df
docker system prune This command is used to free up disk space by removing all unused resources, including containers, images, volumes, and networks. docker system prune
docker login This command is used to log in to a Docker registry. You need to authenticate it before pushing or pulling images. docker login
docker logout This command is used to log out from the Docker registry. docker logout
Docker Compose Commands
docker-compose up Create and start all containers defined in the Compose file. docker-compose up
docker-compose down Stop and remove all containers defined in the Compose file. docker-compose down
docker-compose build Build or rebuild the services defined in the Compose file. docker-compose build
docker-compose start Start all containers defined in the Compose file. docker-compose start
docker-compose stop Stop all containers defined in the Compose file. docker-compose stop
docker-compose logs Displays the logs of all containers defined in the Compose file. docker-compose logs
Docker Swarm Commands
docker swarm init Initialize a new Docker Swarm cluster on the current Docker host. docker swarm init --advertise-addr <manager-node-ip-address>
docker swarm join Join a Docker Swarm cluster as a worker node or manager node. docker swarm join --token <join-token> <manager-node-ip-address>:<port>
docker swarm leave Leave the Docker Swarm cluster by stopping and removing the node from the cluster. docker swarm leave --force
docker stack deploy Deploy the Docker stack to the Docker Swarm cluster. docker stack deploy --compose-file <docker-compose-file> <stack-name>
docker service rm Remove the service from the Docker Swarm cluster. docker service rm <service-name>
docker service create Creates a new service in the Docker Swarm cluster. docker service create --name <service-name> --replicas <number-of-replicas> <image-name>
docker service ls List all services in the Docker Swarm cluster. docker service ls
Registry Commands
docker login Log in to the Docker registry server. docker login
docker logout Log out from the Docker registry server. docker logout
docker search Searches for an image on Docker Hub or other registries. docker search nginx
docker pull Pull an image from the registry to your local machine. docker pull nginx
docker push Push an image from your local machine to register. docker push
docker tag Tags an image with a new name and/or tag. docker tag myimage
Debugging Commands
docker ps Muestra todos los contenedores que se estan ejecutando docker ps
docker logs Muestra el log de un contenedor docker logs container_name
docker exec Ejecuta un comando dentro de un contenedor docker exec container_name ls -l /
docker inspect This command is used to get detailed information about a container or an image. docker inspect container_name
docker port Muestra los puertos mapeados de un contenedor docker port container_name
docker top Muestra los procesos que se estan ejecutando en un contenedor docker top container_name
Dockerfile Commands
FROM set the base image to build the Dockerfile. FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN run the command during the image building process. RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl
COPY copy files and directories from the host into the Docker image. COPY app /app
CMD specifies the default command to run the container starts. CMD ["node", "app.js"]
WORKDIR set the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, or ADD commands that follow it. WORKDIR /app
ENV sets of environmental variables that can be used during the image building process or when the container is running. ENV NODE_ENV production
EXPOSE document the ports that the container listens to at runtime. EXPOSE 8080
VOLUME create a mount point for the volume in the container. VOLUME /data
USER set the user or UID to where the container should run as. USER node
Multi-Stage Build Commands
FROM Specify the base image to start the build process. FROM alpine:latest
WORKDIR Set a working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY, and ADD commands that follow it. WORKDIR /app
COPY Copying files or directories from the build context into the container.  Suitable for multiple uses. COPY /app/
RUN Executes a command inside the container during build time. RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ARG Declares a variable that can be passed on to the Docker build command using –build-arg. ARG version
CMD or ENTRYPOINT During container startup, both are Dockerfile instructions that specify what command to run. ["python", ""]
ENV Sets environment variables for the container. ENV
LABEL Label describes an image or container as a key-value pair. LABEL <'key'>=<'value'>
Health Check Commands
HEALTHCHECK Using this command, you can check the health of a container. HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=3s CMD curl -f http://localhost/ || exit 1
docker inspect –format='{{json .State.Health}}’ <container> Using this command, you can inspect a container’s health status and get detailed information about its current state. docker inspect --format='{{json .State.Health}}' my-container
docker container ls –filter health=unhealthy This command is used to list all containers that have a failed health check. docker container ls --filter health=unhealthy
Config Commands
docker config create Creates a new config with the specified name and content. docker config create myconfig myconfig.txt
docker config inspect Displays detailed information about the config. docker config inspect myconfig
docker config ls List all configs. docker config ls
docker config rm Remove one or more configs. docker config rm myconfig
docker config update Updates the config with new content. docker config update myconfig myconfig-updated.txt
docker service create Create a new service with one or more configs. docker service create --name myservice --config source=myconfig,target=/app/config.txt myimage
docker service update Update a service with one or more configs. docker service update --config-rm myoldconfig --config-add mynewconfig myservice
Buildx Commands
docker buildx ls List all the available builders. docker buildx ls
docker buildx create Creates a new builder instance. docker buildx create --name mybuilder
docker buildx use Sets the current builder context. docker buildx use mybuilder
docker buildx inspect Displays detailed information about the current builder instance. docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
docker buildx build Builds an image using the current builder context. docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t myimage:latest





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