Cambiar la fecha y hora del servidor



Grabar los datos en el board

Sincronizar el reloj con un Time Servers

Revisar la hora actual

timedatectl nos dice la hora del sistema

Sincronizar la hora del Sistema

The chronyd command lets you check the time by which your system clock is off. If you run a chronyd command without installing the utility first, you will get the following message:

The chronyd command

Please install the Chrony utility as follows:

You can then use the following command to see how much your time varies from the internet server. The “System clock wrong by” line in the output indicates this thing.


You can also synchronize the system time and see the “System clock wrong by” information in one go through the following command:

In the following example, you can see that when I first ran the chronyd -q command, my system was off by 95.9 seconds. After running the command, my internet time was reset and that can be observed when I re-ran the command. This time my system clock is only off by -0.001446 seconds which is an ignorable difference.


Como hacer tuneles desde ssh

Instalar ODBC en Linux

Primero instalar el unixODBC

Probar la conexion

Editar /etc/odbc.ini

Editar /etc/odbcinst.ini

Si el sistema esta a 64bits

Probar la conexion

Para probar el PHP


Convertir audios con sox

Para cambiar el formato a un audio podemos utiliar sox:

Si el formato queda en RAW se puede pasar a wav asi:

Convertir de RAW a WAV

Script para convertir una carpeta

Instalar SOX

Si existe en el repo

Si lo anterior no funciona