Hacer un test de velocidad por linea de comandos


Version 2016

Bajar el script de speedtest

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Virtualbox en Suse

Añadir las siguientes lineas en el archivo:

Instalar los siguientes paquetes

Se ejecuta con

Continuar leyendo «Virtualbox en Suse»

MySQL crear registros consecutivos

Para crear registros por medio de un loop

Para ejecutar la funcion


MariaDB on CentOS 7 – “Error in accept: Too many open files”

By default is seems the soft and hard open files limits on MariaDB in CentOS 7 are 1024 and 4096 respectfully. You can see these limits by first getting the process ID:

And then looking at the limits in the proc filesystem:

Notice the numbers for “Max open files”.

If you run into problems with MariaDB failing and you see errors like this in the log:

OpenVPN en Windows

Instalar el cliente de OpenVPN para windows


Copiar los certificados a la siguiente carpeta (O donde quede instalado)

C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config

Ediar el client.conf con los parametros del cliente

Cambiar la extension del client.conf a client.ovpn

Ejecutar el programa

Contar extensiones que se desconectan

Con este comando podemos ver las extensiones que tienen problemas en el full, ya sean porque estan Lagged o porque estan UNREACHABLE

Las caidas

Solo para las de pings altos


HOWTO: Boot your Raspberry Pi into a fullscreen browser kiosk | Wired Watershed

Origen: HOWTO: Boot your Raspberry Pi into a fullscreen browser kiosk | Wired Watershed

Software for the Project:

The CanaKit comes with a pre-loaded SD card that includes the same version of Debian Wheezy that I used for this project.  However, in an effort to get a little more speed out of the system, I used the 95MB/s Sandisk extreme listed above. It seemed to help, but I did not bench mark it beyond observation.

Anyway, lets get down to building a Raspberry Pi Web Kiosk.

Continuar leyendo «HOWTO: Boot your Raspberry Pi into a fullscreen browser kiosk | Wired Watershed»

Asterisk con WEBRTC (obsoleto)

Nuevo articulo

Primero los paquetes necesarios

Continuar leyendo «Asterisk con WEBRTC (obsoleto)»

Como convertir un PEM a PPK para que putty entre a un servidor linux

Primero ejecutamos All Programs > PuTTY > PuTTYgen

Under Type of key to generate, select SSH-2 RSA.

  1. Click Load. By default, PuTTYgen displays only files with the extension .ppk. To locate your .pem file, select the option to display files of all types.
    Select all file types
  2. Select your .pem file for the key pair that you specified when you launch your instance, and then click Open. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation dialog box.
  3. Click Save private key to save the key in the format that PuTTY can use. PuTTYgen displays a warning about saving the key without a passphrase. Click Yes.


    A passphrase on a private key is an extra layer of protection, so even if your private key is discovered, it can’t be used without the passphrase. The downside to using a passphrase is that it makes automation harder because human intervention is needed to log on to an instance, or copy files to an instance.

  4. Specify the same name for the key that you used for the key pair (for example, my-key-pair). PuTTY automatically adds the .ppk file extension.