Tutorial para remplazar el gestor de correo en los servidores asterisk
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Tutorial para remplazar el gestor de correo en los servidores asterisk
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date +%Y%m%d -s "20141128" |
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date +%T -s "16:45:00" |
Grabar los datos en el board
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hwclock --systohc |
timedatectl nos dice la hora del sistema
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timedatectl status |
The chronyd command lets you check the time by which your system clock is off. If you run a chronyd command without installing the utility first, you will get the following message:
Please install the Chrony utility as follows:
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sudo apt install chrony |
You can then use the following command to see how much your time varies from the internet server. The “System clock wrong by” line in the output indicates this thing.
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sudo chronyd -Q |
You can also synchronize the system time and see the “System clock wrong by” information in one go through the following command:
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sudo chronyd -q |
In the following example, you can see that when I first ran the chronyd -q command, my system was off by 95.9 seconds. After running the command, my internet time was reset and that can be observed when I re-ran the command. This time my system clock is only off by -0.001446 seconds which is an ignorable difference.
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ssh root@ -L 10081: |
1 2 3 4 | del cliente 10081:Puerto Local Equipo a conectarse 81: Puerto del equipo a conectarse |
En el zaptel.con se debe anexar lo siguiente:
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callprogress=yes busydetect=yes |
Primero instalar el unixODBC
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yum install unixODBC* yum install php-odbc* yum install freetds |
Probar la conexion
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Editar /etc/odbc.ini
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
[solsaludtds] Description = TDS Driver = TDS Server = Database = solsalud UID = callcenter PWD = call.cn.sol.2007 port = 1433 |
Editar /etc/odbcinst.ini
1 2 3 4 5 |
[TDS] Description = v0.60 with Protocol v7.0 Driver = /usr/lib/libtdsodbc.so.0 Setup = /usr/lib/libtdsS.so.1 FileUsage = 1 |
Si el sistema esta a 64bits
1 2 3 4 5 |
[TDS] Description = v0.60 with Protocol v7.0 Driver = /usr/lib64/libtdsodbc.so.0 Setup = /usr/lib64/libtdsS.so.1 FileUsage = 1 |
Probar la conexion
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isql -v solsalud USUARIO CLAVE |
Para probar el PHP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
#!/usr/bin/php -q <?php $sql="select * from ips"; $conn=odbc_connect('solsaludtds','sa','password'); if (!$conn) {exit("Connection Failed -: " . $conn);} $rs=odbc_exec($conn,$sql); if (!$rs) { echo "Error en SQL"; } $i=0; if (odbc_fetch_row($rs)) { $compname18=odbc_result($rs,18); $i=1; } if ($i==1) { echo "REGISTRO ENCONTRADO"; if($compname18=="1") { echo "CLAVE OK"; }else { echo "CLAVE ERRONEA"; } } else { echo "REGISTRO NO ENCONTRADO"; } odbc_close($conn); ?> |
Instalacion de Zabbix y agente de asterisk
Script para convertir audios en una carpeta.
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yum install lame |
Para que los audios funcionen cuando se ven por el estaqueue se debe compartir la carpeta en el apache.
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